QR Code Scams Are Growing, FTC Warns | How to Test QR Codes | Sync Up


QR Code Scams Are Growing, FTC Warns | How to Test QR Codes | Sync Up

While the quick scan of a QR code can bring you straight to a website, have you ever stopped to think how easy it would be for someone to replace those codes with fake ones? We’ll cover a newly issued warning from the FTC as we sit down and sync up with Rocket IT’s weekly technology update.

Sync Up with This Week’s Technology News
In this episode, you’ll hear about:

  • How QR codes can easily lead to fake websites if replaced by scammers.
  • The FTC’s warning about the rising number of QR code scams.
  • Why there’s been an increase in QR code scams.
  • Common QR code scams tactics.
  • How to not fall victim to QR code scams.