iPhone NoReboot Attack Fakes Shutdown to Spy on You | Sync Up


iPhone NoReboot Attack Fakes Shutdown to Spy on You | Sync Up

When it comes to iPhone security, shutting down your device should be the ultimate safety measure, right? Unfortunately, details have emerged of a new hacking technique that tricks iPhone owners into thinking they’ve powered down their device, when in reality it remains online. We’ll help you ensure cyber criminals aren’t listening in on your conversations as we sit down and sync up with Rocket IT’s weekly technology update.

Sync Up With This Week’s Technology News

In this episode, you’ll hear about:

  • An iPhone vulnerability known as NoReboot
  • How NoReboot fakes an iPhone shutting down
  • How this vulnerability could lead to spying from hackers
  • Why there isn’t a patch for the NoReboot hack
  • How you can protect your iPhone from an attack
Host: Chris Swinson