Professional Photographer Chase Jarvis Shows How Backups are Done

Professional Photographer Chase Jarvis Shows How Backups are Done

I ran across this fascinating video recently on one of my favorite photography websites. In it, professional photographer Chase Jarvis describes the backup strategies he employs for his work. Chase does a great job explaining how a quality backup plan works, and many of the methods he shares are similar to the backup solutions we promote at Rocket IT. The specific hardware and software may vary from one organization to another, but the fundamental concepts are universally desirable: systematically back up mission critical data, maintain multiple copies for safety, and regularly store some copies offsite in case of catastrophe.




About the Author-

Matt Hyatt is the Founder and CEO of Rocket IT, the IT department for all kinds of organizations around Gwinnett. His award-winning firm provides both the strategy and support needed to help businesses thrive.

Matt currently serves on the Executive Board of the Gwinnett County Chamber of Commerce as the Vice Chair of Entrepreneurship & Small Business, is an active supporter of Gwinnett County Public Schools, and is a member of several peer groups (like Entrepreneurs’ Organization) in addition to cofounding two of his own. In 2014, Matt was awarded the Pinnacle Small Business Person of the Year. 

Outside of work, Matt enjoys spending time with his wife, Maureen, and their two teenage children pursuing their shared passions for photography, travel, and food. He also regularly runs with a team in ultra-long distance relay races.


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